
My publications on Google Scholar.

Conference Papers

  • Schmidt, D., Frohnhofen, J., Knebel, S., Meinel, F., Perchyk, M., Risch, J., Striebel, J., Wachtel, J., and Baudisch, P.
    Ergonomic Interaction on Touch Floors
    In Proceedings of CHI 2015, to appear
  • Schmidt, D., Kovacs, R., Mehta, V., Umapathi, U., Köhler, S., Cheng, L., and Baudisch, P.
    Motorized Stilts that Simulate Stair Steps in Virtual Reality
    In Proceedings of CHI 2015, to appear
  • Schmidt, D., Ramakers, R., Pedersen, E., Jasper, J., Köhler, S., Pohl,
    A., Rantzsch, H., Rau, A., Schmidt, P., Sterz, C., Yurchenko, Y., and Baudisch, P.
    Kickables: Tangibles for Feet
    In Proceedings of CHI 2014, pp. 3143-3152
    Info PDFYouTube
  • Schmidt, D., Sas, C., Gellersen, H.
    Personal Clipboards for Individual Copy-and-Paste on Shared Multi-User Surfaces
    In Proceedings of CHI 2013, pp. 3335-3344
    InfoPDF | YouTube
  • Bränzel, A., Holz, C., Hoffmann, D., Schmidt, D.,
    Knaust, M., Luehne, P., Meusel, R., Richter, S., and Baudisch, P.
    GravitySpace: Tracking Users and Their Poses in a Smart Room
    Using a Pressure-Sensing Floor
    In Proceedings of CHI 2013, pp. 725-734 (best paper honorable mention)
    Info | PDF | YouTube
  • Turner, J., Alexander, J., Bulling, A., Schmidt, D., and Gellersen, H.
    Eye Pull, Eye Push:
    Moving Objects between Large Screens and Personal Devices with Gaze & Touch
    In Proceedings of INTERACT  2013, pp. 170-186
  • Simeone, A., Seifert, J., Schmidt, D., Rukzio, E., and Gellersen, H.
    A Cross-Device Drag-and-Drop Technique
    In Proceedings of MUM 2013 (to appear)
  • Schmidt, D., Molyneaux, D., and Cao, X.
    PICOntrol: Using a Handheld Projector for Direct Control of
    Physical Devices through Visible Light

    In Proceedings of UIST 2012, pp. 379-388 (best paper nominee)
    Info PDFYouTube
  • Schmidt, D., Seifert, J., Rukzio, E., and Gellersen, H.
    A Cross-Device Interaction Style for Mobiles and Surfaces
    In Proceedings of DIS 2012, pp. 318-327
    InfoPDF | YouTube
  • Seifert, J., Simeone, A., Schmidt, D., Reinartz, C., Holleis, P., Wagner, M., Gellersen, H., and Rukzio, E.
    MobiSurf: Improving Co-located Collaboration through
    Integrating Mobile Devices and Interactive Surfaces
    In Proceedings of ITS 2012, pp. 51-60
  • Schmidt, D., Chong, M., and Gellersen, H.
    IdLenses: Dynamic Personal Areas on Shared Surfaces
    In Proceedings of ITS 2010, pp. 131-134
    InfoPDF | YouTube Video
  • Schmidt, D., Chehimi, F., Rukzio, E., and Gellersen, H.
    PhoneTouch: A technique for direct phone interaction on surfaces
    In Proceedings of UIST 2010, pp. 13-16
    InfoPDF (corrected Figure 4c) | Video | YouTube
  • Schmidt, D., Chong, M., and Gellersen, H.
    HandsDown: Hand-Contour-Based User Identification for Interactive Surfaces
    In Proceedings of NordiCHI 2010, pp. 432-441
    InfoPDF | YouTube
  • Schmidt, D., Block, F., and Gellersen, H.
    A comparison of direct and indirect multi-touch input for large surfaces
    In Proceedings of INTERACT 2009, pp. 582-594
    InfoPDF | YouTube
  • Brügge, B., Teschner, C., Lachenmaier, P., Fenzl, E., Schmidt, D., and Bierbaum, S.
    Pinocchio: Conducting a virtual symphony orchestra
    In Procceedings of ACE 2007, pp. 294-295

Articles & Book Chapters

  • Seifert, J., Dobbelstein, D., Schmidt, D., Holleis, P., and Rukzio, E.
    From the Private into the Public:
    Privacy Respecting Mobile Interaction Techniques for Sharing Data on Surfaces

    Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2013, pp. 1-14
  • Schöning, J., Hook, J., Bartindale, T., Schmidt, D., Oliver, P., Echtler, F., Motamedi, N., and Brandl, P.
    Building interactive multi-touch surfaces
    Chapter in Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays, pp. 27-50, Springer, 2010, Müller-Tomfelde, C. (Ed.)
  • Schöning, J., Hook, J., Motamedi, N., Oliver, P., Echtler, F., Brandl, P., Muller, L., Daiber, F., Hilliges, O., Löchtefeld, M., Roth, M., Schmidt, D., and von Zadow, U.
    Building interactive multi-touch surfaces
    Journal of Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools, 2009, 14, pp. 35-55


  • Patent application. Schmidt, D., Chehimi, F., Gellersen, H., and Rukzio, E. “Computer Interface Method”
  • Patent application. Cao, X., Schmidt, D., and Molyneaux, D. “Controlling a Device with Visible Light”


  • Schmidt, D.
    Every Step You Take: GravitySpace –
    Ein berührungsempfindlicher ußboden erkennt Bewegungen und Gegenstände im Raum

    Produktkulturmagazin Q4-2013
  • Bränzel, A., Holz, C., Hoffmann, D., Schmidt, D.,
    Knaust, M., Luehne, P., Meusel, R., Richter, S., and Baudisch, P.
    GravitySpace: Tracking Users and Their Poses in a Smart Room
    Using a Pressure-Sensing Floor
    Demo at CHI 2013
  • Schmidt, D.
    Instantaneous User Identification for Personalized Interaction on Shared Surfaces 
    PhD Thesis, 2012, Lancaster University
    PDF | Print
  • Schmidt, D.
    PhoneTouch: Seamless Cross-Device Interaction
    CHI 2012 Workshop:
    “I just love this product” – Looking into wow products, from analysis to heuristics
  • Schmidt, D., Chehimi, F., Rukzio, E., and Gellersen, H.
    PhoneTouch – a technique for direct phone interaction on surfaces
    Demo at UIST 2010
  • Schmidt, D.
    PhoneTouch – a technique for direct phone interaction on surfaces
    Demo at ITS 2010
  • Meyer, T. and Schmidt, D.
    IdWristbands: IR-based User Identification on Multi-touch surfaces
    Poster at ITS 2010
    InfoPDF | Poster
  • Schmidt, D.
    Towards personalized surface computing
    UIST 2010 Doctoral Symposium
    PDF | Poster
  • Schmidt, D. and Gellersen, H.
    Show your hands: A vision-based approach to user identification on interactive surfaces
    Poster at ITS 2009
    PDF | Poster
  • Schmidt, D.
    Know thy toucher
    CHI 2009 Workshop: Multitouch and Surface Computing
  • Schmidt, D.
    Design and realization of an interactive multi-touch table
    Technical Report, 2009, Lancaster University (unpublished)
  • Chehimi, F., Nijdam, N., Schmidt, D., Rukzio, E., and Magnenat-Thalmann, N.
    An interactive table supporting mobile phone interaction and 3D content
    Video paper at UbiComp 2009
  • Schmidt, D.
    Acceleration-based gesture recognition for conducting with Hidden Markov Models
    Diploma Thesis, 2007, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (unpublished)
  • Schmidt, D., Dannenberg, R. B., Smailagic, A., Siewiorek, D. P., and Brügge, B.
    Learning an orchestra conductor’s technique using a wearable sensor platform
    Poster at ISWC 2007
  • Kranz, M., Schmidt, D., Holleis, P., and Schmidt, A.
    A display cube as a tangible user interface
    Poster at UbiComp 2007
  • Schmidt, A., Rukzio, E., and Schmidt, D.
    Using mobile phones for domain specific information appliances
    Poster at UbiComp 2007